Sunday 24 November 2019

NaBloPoMo #24

I passed the cinema whilst on a walk today. People were filing in to watch a film. Today is Sunday, the Sabbath, and not everybody feels it's appropriate to engage in frivolity like going to the cinema - when, in their honest and genuine opinion, people should keep the Seventh Day to pay homage to the supreme deity.

A lady accosted me on passing the cinema and asked me if I was a believer (my response: I'd like to think so). She appeared pleasantly surprised and pressed some leaflets into my hand, asking me to pass them round. Well, I'm not one for forcing my beliefs onto others, but I respect others'. Does not mean to say that I condemn those who wish to go to the cinema on a Sunday afternoon. They are entitled to spend their day off they way they see fit too.

1 comment:

  1. We have a new huge cinema being built only a few miles from our house now. That's save us from having to travel 5 to 10 miles to the nearest one lol.
