I'm seeing a lot of heartache on-line that Boris Johnson has won the election. I'm not ecstatic myself. Many people will find life becoming even harder than it already was. Nonetheless, there was no viable alternative. One questions I want an answer to, something that BJ will never tackle, is: did you formulate a policy that will enable foodbanks to be closed down, for the reason that they are no longer necessary. Why would that be? Because the social security system would have been improved. The Universal (Dis)Credit system is a disgrace.
I'm reiterating my reproach about Team Corbyn: sitting on a fence gets you nowhere in politics. You have to shout your message and position from the rooftops. Something that Boris Johnson has done consistently and loudly, however unpleasant parts of his message was. As a European citizen in the UK, I am naturally opposed to Brexit. But it has been messed up by every party under the sun, so it's probably better to get it over and done with. Anti-semitism, in spite of protestations to the contrary, was badly dealt with by Mr Corbyn's leadership, and I'll never forget the angry look on JCs face when he had been forced to say he would adhere the internationally accepted definition of anti-semitism. Denying the holocaust, as some extreme voices do, is a criminal offense in some countries in the world. Time it was in the UK.
I just want to say that I am no fan of Jeremy Corbyn. The adulation that many of his supporters have expressed is rather strange. People that disagree with this veneration have tended to get shouted down in debate or conversation. One very good reason that I'm pleased JC did not get into power. He is, however, only a figure head, easily replaced. If John Mcdonnell is taking his place, I shall despair. No lessons will have been learned.
I'm, in a way, sad for Jo Swinson, but her campaign was unrealistic from the outset. Wanted to become Prime Minister, but ended up losing her seat. Ouch. She was also out of touch with the mood in the country, as I outlined above, which was "for goodness sakes, just get it over with". I have found it incomprehensible that the outcome of the 2016 referendum was never properly accepted by any party or their leader, and that right up to last night, they were talking about leavers and remainers.
I have written all I want about the SNP in
my previous post on the election. They don't deserve any more keystrokes.