In the basin across from my position, work has been afoot since the beginning of May to construct a marina. After various wrecks had been removed, hundreds of loads of aggregate (rock) were dumped. These were distributed into so-called bunds - which look like piers - from which a large digger would excavate the surrounding waters. The soil that was dug up is being used to build up a foundation for the marina. This still has got a long time to run, most of this year if not into 2020. Fascinating to watch, and fascinating to assess the effect of the tides. A lot of the bunds and other features currently in existence are submerged at high tide.

Construction of cofferdam for slipway

Shifting of soil and aggregate for construction and removal of bunds

Base for small slipway


One bund being removed, another being constructed

Demolition of boathouse

Warning sign on Goat Island

Plant on Goat Island

Derelict boathouses

Safety first

Large tubes

The last boat removed from Goat Island

Breaking up of the
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